
Making A Run of Show

04 Mar 2024
3:15 pm-4:15 pm
Council A

Making A Run of Show

Let’s generate a run of show for Tony’s session (just kidding, no but really…) In this fun and interactive session, workshop a real life Run of Show for the very session you are participating in. We’ll be considering how talent flows to and from stage, content management, hybrid audiences, and unpacking a whole lot of technical jargon. Our goal will be to make the most polished flow for Tony’s session and then run the transitions in real-time. Go home with a Run of Show template and a fresh understanding of how to manage your programs minute-by-minute.

Learning Objectives:

  • Craft polished experiences by making sense of the complexity in production.
  • Speak the language of tech to better collaborate and guide your projects.
  • Build confidence in crafting Run of Show documents for your events.